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As the City of Kenosha moves forward to unify and heal following civil unrest in late summer, input from citizens will help guide the development of Kenosha’s Commit to Action Roadmap (KCTA). The KCTA is a framework and a call to action to address racism, and make systemic changes where needed. Overall, more than 200 people attended the four community listening sessions in September and October. In addition, 38 people responded to a related online feedback form.

In the beginning of 2021, the name was changed to the Kenosha Action Roadmap to Inclusion, Equality and Equity (KARIEE).

Please note: The original draft of the Kenosha Action Roadmap was posted in February 2021. It was noted that the document will be updated periodically.

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Draft: Kenosha Action Roadmap to Inclusion, Equity and Equallity-November 2021

KCTA Listening Sessions Recap – November 2020

KCTA Online Feedback Form Recap – November 2020