City of Kenosha Menu

About Our Services

On behalf of the Kenosha Fire Department, thank you for visiting our website. The Kenosha Fire Department (KFD) has a rich, 170+ year history of protecting the Kenosha community and its many visitors. The KFD serves the City of Kenosha through the delivery of emergency services, providing paramedic level medical care and advanced fire suppression techniques, in addition to fire prevention education and fire inspections. It is our mission to prevent, respond to, and minimize harmful situations involving the people we serve. As you navigate our site, we hope you learn more about the department and the resources we provide. The KFD stands ready to help protect you, your loved ones, and your property. We are committed to providing exceptional service to meet the present needs of our community and evolving to meet the needs of the future.

Contact Info
  • Phone: 262.653.4100
  • Fax: 262.653.4107
  • Office: 2121 Roosevelt Road
    Kenosha, WI 53143
  • Hours: Monday-Friday
    8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

To request information about a property, development or public education, see the tabs below.

Department Leadership

Tilton Dep Chief

   Daniel Tilton
   Fire Chief





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   Scott Krueger
   Deputy Fire Chief

Fire Station #4, located at 4810 60th Street, has been rebuilt. Construction was completed in the late fall of 2022. Please see the video above to take a virtual tour of the new station. Fire Station #4 is also home to the Fire Department's Training Division and Maintenance Division.

The Kenosha Fire Department Administration Office has moved to 2121 Roosevelt Road (the former Station 3 building) effective May 3, 2021. Entry for the public will be at the east door near the parking lot. Hours of operation and phone numbers will remain the same. For questions please call 262.653.4100. 

For City Wide Current Events, please visit the Events Page.




The City of Kenosha does allow "Recreational Fires"

This is allowed under the following conditions:

  • Fire is contained in a commercially available fire pit/fireplace with a screen in place.
  • Clean and dry wood are used (no trash or yard waste).
  • Fire is used on a level, stable and non-combustible surface.
  • Fire is not within 15 feet of a combustible structure, house, garage fence, etc.
  • Wind speed is at 15 mph or less. Wind Speed
  • Fire is attended by a responsible adult with proper means of extinguishment.
  • Hours limited to 4:00pm until 10:00pm.  Propane fireplaces are not limited to this time restriction.
  • Air quality is deemed"good" or "moderate" by the Wisconsin DNR. For current DNR Air Quality, click here

Calls for Open Burning outside the conditions as stated above will result in a Municipal Citation of $187.00.

Below is a link to the ordinance

Please enjoy recreational fires safely and be a respectful neighbor.  If fires create smoke that is intrusive to your neighbors, it is deemed a "nuisance". In this event, we will ask that you extinguish the fire and issue you a warning.  A warning will mean that if the Fire Department a called for a similar call, you will issued a municipal citation.

Click Here for Permit requirements : Bonfire Permit Form

 Sky Lanterns are forbidden within the City limits.

To speak to billing services regarding an EMS bill, please call: 877-618-0943.  EMS|MC is the billing agency for the City of Kenosha Fire Department.

 "Drowning is Preventable"


Life Ring Kiosks have been placed on the Light house Pier, the South Pier and both sides of the Pike River exit.  Please avoid the need for these by staying clear of swimming in these areas.  There is a fine for tampering with these life saving devices.

Click Here to Read About Drowning Prevention Measures in Kenosha

Lake Michigan is known to be the most dangerous of all the great lakes. It is referred to as an "inland sea." The weather can change rapidly and undercurrents make swimming very hazard. Swimming from the north or south pier is illegal and dangerous as well. The ever moving tide and undercurrent is extremely dangerous in the harbor inlet, the marina inlet and the the pike river outlet. Many have lost their lives in these  waters. Lake Michigan is beautiful and a first class body of water for swimming, fishing and other recreational sports. Please respect the dangers inherent in this body of water.

Click below for Current Beach Conditions

Current Beach Conditions

Rip Tides occur during increased surf and wave heights. This also occurs when another body of water enters the lake. There are areas in Lake Michigan this happens. Most dangerous is where the Pike River drains into Lake Michigan. This is historically a dangerous place to swim. The area is very unpredictable. The waves and amount of water that drain into the lake can create a drastic and dangerous undertow that will convey a swimmer off-shore in a very short time. Swiming in or near this area is not advised.

Great Lakes Surf Rescue Project

Water Safety- Around 1000 children lose their lives each year in open water accidents in United States each year. Most of these occur during the summer months. Please use the website below to educate yourself and family on the dangers involved with open water and a checklist of items to consider as you and your family enjoy the open water season.

Children Water Safety

Kenosha County Emergency Plan

Are you properly insured?

Most home-owners insurance policies cover fire and content loss to $300,000.  You may exceed this if you have a fire that causes damage to a neighbor's property.  Please review your policy.


Fire loss to the physical property cover the owner's property.  Renter's items are not insured by the owner's insurance.  If you rent, you will need your own policy to cover any losses to your items.  Frequently renters will ask "Are my belongings covered".  Unless the renter has an insurance policy, renters items are NOT covered.  Typical renter's insurance premiums range from $150-300 for a typical 3 bedroom apartment with belongings.  If you rent, please review you insurance needs to avoid undue hardship after a fire.

Dangers of Asbestos

 As you may know, asbestos was once widely used as insulation in buildings. When these buildings catch fire, the asbestos in them becomes airborne and can threaten the health of those that comes into contact with it.  For more information about the dangers of asbestos and mesothelioma, please visit:   or

To request information about a property or development as part of the Freedom of Information Act:  Send Email to


Station Visits

Would you like to take a tour of your local fire house? We have five stations located throughout the City of Kenosha. We will show you where our firefighters work and sleep and what gear and equipment they use. We can include an age-appropriate safety talk along the way. See our guidelines below. Tours normally take about 30 minutes. Please be respectful of the time as our personnel have daily duties and training they need to attend to.


The following guidelines regarding fire station visits are to ensure the safety of visitors and to assist Fire Officers with time management in fulfilling their community service and emergency response duties.

  •  Please reach out to request a tour at least two weeks prior to the date you are requesting to visit

  • 30 kids or less per tour. It is recommended that children be at least 3 years old

  • There must be an adequate number of responsible adult chaperons to maintain control of your group

  • The Kenosha Fire Department makes no guarantee that the date/time you request will be available

  • Please understand certain events may occur that will force a delay to the start of a tour or cancel it all together. These events include but are not limited to:

    • Emergency fire and medical calls

    • Impending severe weather

    • Unexpected personnel shortage

Prepare for Your Visit

Since our stations are in service during tours, please prepare children that there may be loud noises. Equipment should not be touched unless invited to do so. Safety is of the utmost importance and visitors must listen to the Firefighter leading the tour. The possibility exists that the crew could be called out on an emergency before or during the visit. If this should occur, we have to close the station and end your visit. We will be happy to reschedule your tour at a later date if necessary.

How to Schedule

To schedule a station tour, please call your neighborhood station during the day. Addresses and phone numbers are listed here. Ask to speak to the Officer-in-Charge regarding a tour.

Public Education Events

The Fire Prevention Bureau offers a variety of public fire safety education. Some classes or programs are offered at schools and some are offered throughout the community. See Safety Education on our Fire Prevention Bureau's page for more details.

KUSD Fall Fire Safety Programs (In Schools)
Fire Safety Presentations/Training's Public Safety Presentations
Fire Safety Booth
Community Fire Training
Extinguisher Training

If you are interested in a public education request, please e-mail  Send Email

You must provide these details when requesting an event:
  • Time (Start/End)
  • Date
  • Educational expectation
  • Audience (Adult/Children/Elderly)
  • Number of expected attendees
  • Contact name and phone number

A Public Education Coordinator will follow up regarding your request. Please understand demand and staffing may limit availability for requests.

Please use caution when handling fireworks and remember that fireworks that are self propelled or blow-up are illegal in the City of Kenosha.  The link below is a guide fireworks safety.

Fireworks Safety

Sky Lanterns are forbidden within the City limits.