The Stormwater Utility‘s mission is to provide the City of Kenosha's stormwater with improved water quality as well as management and enforcement of the facilities that regulate water quality.
The streets, inlets, detention basins and storm sewers within the City collect stormwater and convey it directly into our waterways. Stormwater is NOT treated like the sanitary sewer system. The stormwater conveyance system consists of various components, including curb and gutter, catch basins, culverts, storm sewers, ditches and various City-owned detention facilities. The maintenance and operation of this system is provided by the Stormwater Utility, and benefits all properties within the City. The costs of these services are funded by a user fee listed on your Kenosha Water Utility bill.
To meet the requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources developed a Discharge Permit Program that requires the City of Kenosha to improve water quality. The City implemented the Kenosha Stormwater Utility and dedicated its mission to meeting the requirements of this permit, thus improving the water quality for the citizens of Kenosha. The Stormwater Utility has implemented a variety of programs. These programs are as follows: