There are three ways you can fill out the census survey: online, by telephone, or by mail. Households can answer the questions on the Internet or by phone in English and 12 other languages.
Starting in March 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau will mail an invitation to respond to every household in the United States. You should receive your invitation by April 1, 2020
How do I access the online survey if I don’t have Internet access at home? Individuals will be able to have computer access at all Kenosha Public Library Locations.
You will receive a postcard by April 1, 2020 directing you to fill out the census online. At that time, you can go online to complete the census.
Yes. You can call the U.S. Census Bureau Call Center: (301) 763-INFO (4636) or (800) 923-8282.
If you do not respond to the census by April 2020, you will be mailed a printed questionnaire to return by mail. In May 2020, Census Bureau employees will visit households that have not completed the census to assist you in filling out the census in-person.
If your household does NOT submit a completed census survey by the end of April 2020, a Census Bureau employee will visit your residence to assist you in filling out the census in-person. This person will ask you the same questions that will appear in the online version of the census. For more information on Census Bureau employees, see the 2020 Census website