This report is prepared to comply with Wisconsin State Statute 66.10014. using data collected in 2018.
The City of Kenosha, Wisconsin imposes the following fees for purposes related to residential construction, remodeling, or development as noted in 66.10014(2)(a):
Building permit fees.
Park impact fees including land dedication or fee in lieu of dedication, as determined by the City.
Plat approval fees.
Stormwater management fees.
Water or sewer hook-up fees.
The City of Kenosha permit fees as of January 1, 2020 are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: City of Kenosha – Permit Fees
For additional information on permits and fees, visit the following City Department homepages:
Department of City Development
Department of City Inspections
The total amount of residential fees imposed in 2018, per Wisconsin State Statute 66.10014, by the City was $582,679.01. Further information on particular fees collected is shown in Table 2. It should be noted that the building permit fees include fees collected for existing residential alterations and additions, which did not result in the creation of new residential units. The total number of new residential units created in 2018 was 107. Per Wisconsin State Statute 66.10014(2)(b) the total residential fees collected divided by the number of new units created equals $5,445.60.
Table 2: New Housing Fee Report
*The information contained in this report is relevant to the current permit fees for the City of Kenosha as of January 1, 2020. Let it be known that fees may be amended from time to time and that no assurances are given that the statements made in this report will be valid for any amount of time after the date of this report. For the most up to date information, contact the applicable City Department.