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The CDBG Program provides annual grants on a formula basis to entitled cities and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low and moderate income persons.

Nature of Program

HUD awards grants to entitlement community grantees to carry out a wide range of community development activities directed toward revitalizing neighborhoods, economic development, and providing improved community facilities and services.

Entitlement communities develop their own programs and funding priorities. However, grantees must give maximum feasible priority to activities which benefit low and moderate income persons. A grantee may also carry out activities which aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. Additionally, grantees may fund activities when the grantee certifies that the activities meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community where other financial resources are not available to meet such needs. CDBG funds may not be used for activities which do not meet these broad national objectives.

CDBG funds may be used for activities which include, but are not limited to:

  • acquisition of real property;
  • relocation and demolition;
  • rehabilitation of residential and non-residential structures;
  • construction of public facilities and improvements, such as water and sewer facilities, streets, neighborhood centers, and the conversion of school buildings for eligible purposes;
  • public services, within certain limits;
  • activities relating to energy conservation and renewable energy resources; and
  • provision of assistance to profit-motivated businesses to carry out economic development and job creation/retention activities


To receive its annual CDBG entitlement grant, a grantee must develop and submit to HUD its Consolidated Plan (which is a jurisdiction's comprehensive planning document and application for funding under the following Community Planning and Development formula grant programs: CDBG, HOME Investment Partnerships, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG)).

In its Consolidated Plan, the jurisdiction must identify its goals for these programs, as well as for housing programs. The goals will serve as the criteria against which HUD will evaluate a jurisdiction's Plan and its performance under the Plan.

Also, the Consolidated Plan must include several required certifications, including that not less than 70% of the CDBG funds received, over a one, two or three year period specified by the grantee, will be used for activities that benefit low and moderate income persons, and that the grantee will affirmatively further fair housing. HUD will approve a Consolidated Plan submission unless the Plan (or a portion of it) is inconsistent with the purposes of the National Affordable Housing Act or is substantially incomplete.

Following approval, the Department will make a full grant award unless the Secretary has made a determination that the grantee: (1) has failed to carry out its CDBG-assisted activities in a timely manner; (2) has failed to carry out those activities and its certifications on accordance with the requirements and the primary objectives of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and with other applicable laws; or (3) lacks a continuing capacity to carry out its CDBG-assisted activities in a timely manner.