City of Kenosha Menu

How You Can Help

Keep Our Waters Clean

Root-Pike Watershed Initiative Network (WIN)

Please visit to learn more about the Root-Pike and adjacent Lake Michigan watersheds and how you can help keep them clean and healthy.

Respect Our Waters Campaign

Please visit for more information on the Respect Our Waters Campaign and learn what you can do to help improve the quality of our local waterways.

Rain Gardens

Creating a rain garden is a great way to help reduce stormwater runoff. Click here for a how-to manual for homeowners who are interested in starting their own rain gardens.

Pet Waste and Its Impacts

When pet waste is disposed of improperly, not only water quality suffers - your health may be at risk too. Pets, children who play outside and adults who garden are more at risk for infection from some of the bacteria and parasites found in pet waste. Don't worry, there are things you can do to make a difference! Click here to view an informational brochure on what you can do to help.

Stormwater Utility Ordinance

WPDES Permit

To meet the requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources developed a Discharge Permit Program that requires the City of Kenosha to improve water quality. In response, the City of Kenosha created the Kenosha Stormwater Utility (SWU). The SWU will enforce and implement the programs needed to be in compliance with the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (WPDES) permit.

Municipal Stormwater Permit

Pursuant to s.NR 216..07(8), Wisconsin Administrative Code, every owner of a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) is required to submit an annual report to the Department of Natural Resources of the previous year's activities. The report requires information on what the municipality completed and intends to improve for the following categories: Public Education & Outreach, Public Involvement & Participation, Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination, Construction Site Pollutant Control, Post-Construction Storm Water Management, Pollution Prevention Practices for the Municipality, Developed Urbanized Area Standard, and Storm Sewer System Maps.

Erosion Control Information

Yard Waste Coupon

Residential curbside yard waste collection happens twice a year, during the spring and fall. Click here for more information on yard waste collection.

For a $2-off coupon on City-approved yard waste bags, click here for a printable coupon, or pick one up at the City of Kenosha Municipal Building (625 52nd Street) or Kenosha Water Utility (4401 Green Bay Road).